
Time for some fun with the power of the mind!

Check out more videos on my Tiktok @jrthebusdriver (I know, why this user names? Simple… COVID). Follow for more fun and check out this “most watched” video.

All ages party fun!  #gradparty #comedyhypnosis #empoweringfun #grad2023 #letsmakeadifference #believeyoucanandyouwill #hypnotistjrmatthew


Let’s Go For A Little Horsey Ride!

Great memories from a grad party in early 2020.

You remember that don’t you?  It was before COVID hit and changed everything.

Now, as students go back to school, we can start having entertainment again (all be it a bit different from before).

This means we can go on more fun rides like this one. Coming soon to a stage near you…hopefully sooner than later lol.




A Show Before COVID-19

The face of entertainment has certainly changed since early 2020.  Now that we can perform shows again, we find ourselves getting really creative with how we do the shows.

Social distancing means the audience will be smaller and spaced 6 feet apart.

People in the shows will have empty seats between them.

Show skits will have to be redesigned to ensure contact is avoided with people not in their household or friend group.

Easy right?  Absolutely!

You just have to book me to see how it’s done.

That said, it’s been a while since shows could be done like this one.

For bookings call or text 403-382-7644.  James@jrmatthew.com



Who’s Up For Some Great Entertainment?

Entertainment has really changed since Covid-19 reared its ugly head.  Now as things get back to a new norm we can get back to having more fun with live entertainment. 

Imagine you have a special event coming up and you really want to kick it up a notch.  Now, don’t just imagine it, make it a reality!  Bring in Hypnotist JR Matthew to WOW your friends and guests and make them forget about the bad stuff for a while.

Be one with the Force because the Force is with you as you become a Jedi Knight.

Show off your light saber skills or cuddle up a Wookie and braid his hair (what could possibly go wrong with this lol). 

These are just a few of the many skits that will play out with you and your friends having an absolute blast.  

Shows are interactive, exciting, Covid conscious and family friendly FUN for all ages!!!

Find out more and book your show today. james@jrmatthew.com




Let’s Make A Difference


My goal for 2020 is to reach out to as many community groups and schools as possible.  This presentation is designed to help build the confidence and self esteem of today’s youth so they can build better connections with friends and community.  I know there are a lot of great people working directly with or behind the scenes with these groups to achieve this, however, my focus is very specific and specialized.

My idea is simple, show students and community leaders how setting and achieving goals will change with confidence and faith in ones self.  The real change will take place when people realize their own power of positive focus and learn how their thoughts shape their perception of the world they live in.

As thoughts become things, I can ask the question, “Are your thoughts building you up or tearing you down?”  Either way, there is always room for positive change.

Presentations are ideal for high school students and communities in distress (dealing with suicide and/or addiction) hoping to build a great sense of community.

#letsmakeadifference presentations can fit into a school period, afternoon workshop or weekend retreat.

Let’s make a difference by working together to make our schools and communities stronger.

Connect with me: james@jrmatthew.com  for more information, bookings, and sponsorship opportunities.


Hypnotist JR Matthew – Fun with Giggle Buttons and Names

One of my favourite hypnosis skits to start my show with… giggle buttons and the name of an imaginary creature – Pikachu!

There really is nothing like hearing the laughter from the audience within moments of taking the stage.

Have a laugh with these videos and be sure to hop on over to my YouTube Channel for more.  Like and subscribe to see the latest clips from my shows.  Thanks!

Connect with me on Facebook Hypnotist JR Matthew 

and Instagram @hypnotistjrmatthew

and james@jrmatthew.com


Welcome 2020 And The Opportunities You Bring

As we get into the New Year, it’s time to get working on those goals you’ve been talking about and have maybe even written down. 

The key to your success will be… YOU!  YOU and your plan. 

What is it?  As you read this do you know what it is?  Have you got a clear vision of it?  You can’t get there if you don’t know what it is and what it will mean to you once you achieve it.

Allow me to share mine and maybe it will help you gain clarity:

My personal goal is to continue on my fitness journey.  I’m already working out 5 to 6 days a week and eating lean.  I weigh 210 pounds and am working towards a trimmer waste line and stronger body.  My goal weight is 200 lbs, however, if my weight stays at 210 and my lean body mass goes up, I’m happy with that too.  I know I don’t have all the answers to the challenges that may arise so I will be sure to check my ego at the proverbial door and ask for help from those in the know. 

The reason I’m doing this is for my own good.  I like being able move, walk, run, swim for long periods of time and I love the energy I feel being in better shape. I also know that I am worth it and deserving of it (I hope you feel this way about yourself too).

Professionally, it’s important to look like I care about myself and I practice what I preach.  It also takes a lot of energy to do the kind of shows and presentations I do and I may do 3 or 4 a day..  Being in shape is a must!

I also have a goal to double the number of school presentations in 2020 over 2019.  You will have to check back in to see how I do.  I can’t see a reason why I shouldn’t be able to.  Ask yourself the same about your goals.

So… it will mean more of these…


The Hypnotist Near You In Lethbridge And Area

Hi, I’m Hypnotist JR Matthew and I am the hypnotist near you in Lethbridge and area

It is a very common thing to be a performer and find success in markets other than where you live.  For me, it seems that BC and SK are the provinces where I do most of my speaking and shows.  It’s funny doing shows in Lethbridge and people come up to me to shake my hand and compliment me on my show.  They then ask where I am from and I say, “Here.”  Their response is funny as they say they didn’t know there were any hypnotists in Lethbridge.

Now, maybe I have spent too much time on the road or maybe in the office.  However, I did just finish off six months of hosting the morning show on a local radio station (Today’s Country 95 5) and had a ton of fun doing it.  Did it make a difference?  I haven’t noticed an increase in local business yet.  That said, I did get a lot recognition as part of #JRandGillianinthemorning.

The big issue is people not connecting that JR with the Hypnotist JR.

I find it funny how, even with all of the social media and promotion and such there is still that disconnect here.

I think there are some other things to keep in mind:

Sometimes in medium sized cities (Lethbridge for example), people think that to get great entertainment, they have to look for someone from outside of their community.  It’s that hometown syndrome (we know this guy, he’s local…who do you know from Calgary). It’s almost like being a celebrity outside of your area, selling out shows, packing in rooms and doing what you love to do.  However, when you do a public show in your home town you can hardly sell any tickets.  Go figure. 

Time to work on changing this.  I hope you can help.

Thoughts?  Leave a comment or connect with me james@jrmatthew.com


Book Hypnotist JR Matthew For Grads, Community Events, Fundraisers and More!

Did you know you can book JR Matthew for a school, business or family event.   james@jrmatthew.com

There are so many ways to get great entertainment and, of course, professional announcing and MC services to make function the best it can be!

Now is a great time to book your summer party entertainment with comedic Hypnotist JR Matthew

Hypnosis shows are available for all ages and for any time of day, anywhere in Western Canada.

Having a lunch and learn and need 20 minutes of entertainment?  There is a show and special pricing for that.

How about an hour or two of hypnosis fun for a staff Christmas party?  You can add in DJ music to finish the evening off with great music for dancing and socializing.

Game show style entertainment can be added in as well or instead of a hypnosis show:

Minute To Win it

Music and dance trivia

Ultimate Game Show Fun

Dates are filling up quickly.  Connect with james@jrmatthew.com to book your event entertainment.